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  4. Hemostasis using the endo-loop

Hemostasis using the endo-loop

Daniela Elena Burtea1
1. Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Craiova, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie din Craiova, ROMÂNIA

Description :

The Endo-loop is a device composed of an outer plastic sheath and an inner metal wire with a hook that houses a silicone loop.

The loop comes with a silicone piece (stopper) that allows closure and maintains tightness.

The device is designed to prevent or control post polypectomy bleeding for very thick pedicle polyps.

For the endo-loop to be effective, there must be a long enough pedicle because otherwise, a short pedicle tends to retract and flatten as the loop is released. Therefore, injecting adrenaline or placing clips at the base of the polyp could be considered.

Fitting the endo-loop

  1. Remove the plastic wrap that holds the silicone loop and pull it all the way into the sheath until the loop is completely covered. Insert the device into the working channel of the endoscope.
  2. When you see the tip of the catheter in the endoscopic image, pull the yellow cylinder toward you to remove the loop from the plastic sheath.
  3. Place the loop at the base of the polyp, on the pedicle, approximately 1-2 mm above the mucosa
  4. When you are sure that the endo-loop is positioned correctly, with one hand on the yellow cylinder and the other on the slider, slowly pull both to close until the end and the yellow cylinder reaches the handle. Notice the darkening of the polyp.
  5. Push the slider to release the loop.
  6. Place the polypectomy loop over the endo-loop ligature and cut the polyp.

See other “How to”