About us

Who are we? A team of enthusiastic health professionals that provide a variety of educational resources to those interested in the field of gastroenterology.

GastroCloud was born from the desire to offer the best quality and up-to-date information to help you learn quickly and easily in the era of “fast forward”. In this educational platform you will find various and interactive sections – the case of the month, clinical cases, tutorials, testing knowledge through quick quizzes, medical events and much more.

Because we want to grow this community, we invite you to actively participate, contributing with cases or videos or any other interesting topic. Here you can upload a clinical case.

Prof. Adrian Săftoiu has over 20 years of experience in gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy, with a main focus on clinical medical research. He underwent intensive training in advanced diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy with a focus on endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) at several centers including Aarhus University Hospital, Gentofte University Hospital and Herlev University Hospital, Denmark. The Gastrocloud project was initiated by Prof. Adrian Săftoiu from the desire to share interesting cases from his practice but also as a precise solution to transform the education of professionals working in the field of gastroenterology into an accessible and easy experience.

Medical assistant Daniela Burtea has approximately 25 years of experience in digestive endoscopy, constantly following numerous training and courses. Since 2017, she has been part of the European Working Group of Medical Assistants for Digestive Endoscopy (EEGW) and participated in the development of work protocols and practice guidelines in digestive endoscopy. Also, since 2018, she represents Romanian endoscopy nurses within the European Society of Endoscopy Assistants (ESGENA), participating as a hands-on instructor at international congresses, UEG Week and ESGE Days. Because she wants to pass on the knowledge and vast experience she has acquired, she accepted the challenge of making available on this educational platform the tools for  nurse training for digestive endoscopy departments.

Dr. Codruța Gheorghe is a family medicine specialist, constantly involved in projects in the field of gastroenterology and mainly focused on abdominal ultrasonography. She coordinated the student committee of the European Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFUSMB) and recently completed her doctoral studies under the coordination of prof. Adrian Săftoiu. She wants to connect as many students and residents as possible with ultrasound but also with the easy learning tools you can discover on this website.

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